Drink the Bottle Baby Shower Game

All photos by Rubyspikes.

Last year, I hosted a baby shower for my sister. The goals were to make it fun and to have people bring adorable baby stuff. The challenge, like a lot of baby showers, is that they can kind of suck — no one wants to watch a woman open onesies and bottle sets and nipple cream for two hours. There's a lot of amazing baby shower inspiration out there — and here's mine!

The Plan

  • Co-Ed: Men and women were invited (and were told the party would be non-sucky).
  • All day: Our shower was from 11 am – 6 pm. People could come and go like an all day BBQ. Come by, have a beer and some food.
  • Drop off a gift: Hang out with Mommy and Daddy-to-be. Take off whenever you're ready to leave.
  • Unwrapped gifts: Guests were encouraged to bring their gifts unwrapped and told there would be no "mass unwrapping." We set the gifts out on a display table for all to coo over and saved everyone a few hours of watching presents be unwrapped.
  • Opt-In Games: We had plenty of baby-themed games, but they were all selected because they could be set out somewhere and guests could choose to play if they wanted to play and completely ignore if they weren't interested.

The Games

As stated above, all games were opt-in. Turns out that we had a fairly competitive group, so once we announced a winner for one game, people were ready to start on the next one.

How Many Candies

Large baby bottle shaped bank filled with candies. Guess how many are in it.

Baby Word Scramble

I chose 20 baby-related words and scrambled the letters. Here's a hint: if you pick your own words, alphabetize the letters in the words, even BELOTT is hard to figure out.

Baby Face

I took headshots of mom and dad a week before the party and made sure they both were looking straight at the camera. I used Photoshop to crop the pictures so that they fit on an 8″ x 10″ and that their heads were the same size. I added "cut" lines to cut slices for each of their foreheads, eyes, noses, mouths, and chins, printed the pictures on card stock, cut the slices, and laid them out on a table for guests to "construct" a possible baby face. Warning: the resulting faces can be creepy!

Cute as a Button

I used a paper punch to punch out a bunch of card stock buttons. (I wanted bottles, but couldn't find a paper punch on short notice.) I "hid" them around the apartment in very obvious places such as on tables, in picture frames, in plants, etc. Guests were told to collect the buttons and the guest with the most buttons won.

Sooooo Big

Guests cut a length of ribbon as long as they thought the mom-to-be is around. Note: I used yarn because I had pink and yellow on hand, but ribbon would have been much cuter.

Baby Beer Bottles

I bought six baby bottles and filled them with six different beers. Guests had to guess what the different beers were.
Tip: Let guests know what the six beers are. We didn't and our winner only got two right. Also, provide Dixie cups to drink out of or all your guests will have to drink out of the same baby bottles. Eewww.

Play-doh Baby

I bought "party-sized" Play-Doh. It comes in a big bag with a bunch of small containers of Play-Doh. Guests were told to build a baby using one container. Mommy and Daddy chose their favorite baby for the winner.

Who's Watching the Baby?

When guests arrived, they were given a small baby doll. They were told that they could either hold on to it, put it down, or pass it on to someone else. Any babies put down could be scooped up by other guests. The guest with the most babies won.

Baby Chug

I bought several of the cheapest baby bottles I could find. We filled them each with 3 ounces of beer. Guests attempted to be the first ones to empty their baby bottles, and were not allowed to remove the nipple in any way. Tip: Baby bottles empty slowly, even when you're trying. We could easily have gone with 2 ounces in each bottle. For non-drinkers, you can use apple juice instead of beer.

Pin the Sperm on the Uterus

I wanted a version of Pin the Tail on the Donkey that wouldn't send guests scurrying to other rooms. No one wants to be blindfolded or spun around. I finally came up with this alternative. My awesome husband assembled a construction paper uterus and construction paper and ribbon sperm. Guests were told to write their name on a sperm and stick it onto the uterus (so their name didn't show). Once all the sperm had been "placed," Mommy was blindfolded and spun (just once) and had to stick an egg on to the uterus. The sperm closest to the newly-placed egg was the winner.

All in all, it was really a fun day. We did play lots of baby-related games, but mostly what people did was hang out, drink some beer, eat some food, and talk with friends. The baby games were just fun on the side.

Drink the Bottle Baby Shower Game

Source: https://offbeathome.com/co-ed-baby-shower-games/

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